Who or What is Snagged Bro?
The adventures of Sean Edwards (insta: @sean_snaggedbro) and Tom Synnott (insta: @tsb_snaggedbro)- two anglers from England's Black Country - are captured on their YouTube channel Snagged Bro.
Why the Name?
Because the guys fish a lot of urban canal fisheries in search of predators, there's a LOT of interesting debris to get your gear snagged on. Discarded bikes, stolen cars, cash-safes thrown away from post office robberies, wheely bins, prams - the list goes on.
So, when one of the pair bend the rod into something - the question is always
"Is that a fish...or are you Snagged Bro?"
You can check out their channel here.
"SB" Features on Fishing Discoveries
Tom generously shared their canal pike fishing tips and stories in a guest article on FD - which also includes a full episode from their channel. It's a great example of capturing just why we go fishing - the anticipation, the potential for disappointment and then the sudden, unexpected high that comes with success.

Sean getting it done with a lovely canal pike
Snagged Bro is as much about the value of fishing friendships (and giving your good mates some stick), enjoying life and the teamwork of being part of a fishing "crew". There's shared success and friendly competition - plus wry humour at the challenges that fishing (life?) throws at us.

Tom is justifiably stoked with this Black Country Canal Warrior
So, much more than super-polished/big budget productions, the personalities and sheer enjoyment of the act of pursuing fish (and the odd bankside beer) is why we featured them as one of our Top 10 Lure Fishing Channels.
Never Miss a Chance to Fish
One of the central values of Fishing Discoveries is the idea that building a range of skills means that you can always recognise and take advantage of chances to fish. The Snagged Bro channel is a perfect example of "fish where you live" and finding adventure in unexpected places. Of course, that mindset comes in really handy when you're left high and dry after booking flights to the USA...
All that experience of doing the hard yards to uncover predator fishing on their doorstep proved invaluable when faced with pitching up at an unknown lake and fishing it for a week. Working out how to tackle new species on lures is a really satisfying process - even if it wasn't what the boys expected to be doing.
What's next for Snagged Bro?
Although still a young channel, it is growing well and is certainly on target to take Tom and Sean to their goal of being able to cover a huge range of fishing experiences around the world. I can see their film-making skills developing and they are absolutely right that their greatest asset are their personalities and on-screen relationship.
I'd like to think that we could come up with a suitable challenge to film together and feature on both Fishing Discoveries and Snagged Bro (from our different angles and perceptions).
Your Suggestions in the Comments Below Please!
Feel free to leave suggestions for the kind of "joint episode" on the water you'd like to see and we'll do our best to hook it up for you.
For now, I hope you've enjoyed this piece and do subscribe to Fishing Discoveries YouTube Channel (and click the notifications bell so you know when there's new content). Likewise, if you enjoyed our chat, go ahead and become a Snagged Bro subscriber too.