Rediscovering Cutcliffe Owners' Bonus Media
Fly Fishing
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Fly Fishing
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With great thanks to The Fly Fishers' Club, London we can now see real samples of the shades, shapes and sizes of hackle Cutcliffe wrote about in 1863
No label Dubbing Discoveries
We went for the hackles - but see what else was hiding in the FFC, London archives...
Ride along with me from Yorkshire to Mayfair on the day of (re)discoveries.
No label Ove Nielsen's Letter (1965 Visit)
A letter from 2010 recalling an intriguing "fine old cabinet" containing potential Cutcliffe materials
Macro photo illustrated step by step guide to tying pattern XXVIII on either eyed or eyeless hook.
The very first, nerve-wracking, outing on the water using the restored Victorian rod & reel combo. Will the antique greenheart blank and original whippings withstand the hook-set and playing of modern wild trout?
Angler, Author, Blogger & Biologist
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