Fishing Discoveries Stands FOR
- Recording & Sharing Great Fishing Stories
- Removing all Barriers to your Opportunities for a Fishing Adventure
- Providing Tried & Tested Advice
- Trying New Stuff
- Making you the Best & Most Fulfilled Angler Possible
- Being Smart about Fishing (avoiding wasted effort & frustration)
What we Stand AGAINST
- Only following the herd
- Snobbery
- Ignorance
- Fear of New Approaches
- Angling Tribalism
- Ignoring/criticising or dismissing different fishing cultures/methods
If what's written above makes your blood boil - it's time to hit the "back" button on your browser because you'll probably not find what you're looking for on our site...
On the other hand, if you're curious to find out what your next fishing adventure might be - feel free to look for inspiration on our Themed Sections for:
Bait Angling
Your FD free guides on coarse & bait fishing
Lure Fishing
Smart gear choices for that intoxicating bass & predator BITE
Fly Fishing
The basecamp page of resources for expanding your fly fishing success!
Staying true to the values above, please feel free to hop between different schools of fishing - whatever your regular "base" style of fishing is right now. We believe that one of the best ways to get better at what you specialise in is to "cross-train" and draw inspiration from styles you have less familiarity with...It's in the stuff that you don't yet know where all the best discoveries are.
Sounds obvious when you say it out loud - but how often are we scared away from trying new styles by a critical audience or a sense of being overwhelmed by a sea of complex information? There's always a keyboard warrier/"expert" to put you down or make fun of your noob status (not realising their own incompetence in many areas - often including the one they are lecturing you on!).
But how does becoming more well-rounded actually improve your success in what you already do?
Just ask Steve Jobs:
“When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn’t really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while. That’s because they were able to connect experiences they’ve had and synthesize new things. And the reason they were able to do that was that they’ve had more experiences...”
Or (if you're not an Apple Fan) Bill Gates
“If you read enough, there’s a similarity between things that make it easy, because this thing is like this other thing. If you have a broad framework, then you have a place to put everything”
For just one example - the reason that "drop shotting" works in finesse lure fishing is the exact same mechanism for the stillwater trout fly fishing tactic known as the "sacrificial nymph". There are probably thousands of other examples...

Paul with two Casitas bass taken after coaching with Marc Mitrany in 2008
Our Job at Fishing Discoveries
Both John and myself are here to remove any barriers that there might be to you trying and enjoying each and every new style of fishing that you have an interest in.
Along the way, we’re constantly learning new things ourselves - and it has to be the greatest ride to be on if you love to fish.
Paul Gaskell & John Pearson
Fishing as a lifestyle choice!
Meet Paul & John - Founders of Fishing Discoveries:

Paul Gaskell is a lifelong angler, writer, angling coach with a Ph.D in Freshwater Ecology and a background in both Academic research and hands-on Trout Stream Restoration & Conservation. From fly fishing in the mountains to throwing lures in the ocean, Paul is up for any fishing challenge.
Writing credits include articles in Trout & Salmon Magazine, Fly Fishing & Fly Tying Magazine, Total Fly Fisher and commissioned expert articles at
Twitter: @paulngaskell

John Pearson is a lifelong angler, professional videographer & fishing guide with a degree in Field Biology. From match fishing as a teenager through a career in fly fishing, a passion for carp and ultralight lures... John is the epitome of the "all round" angler.
Insta: @fishing_discoveries
YouTube: Fishing Discoveries